Waterfront History, Education & Treasures
Tall Ships
WHET works and coordinates to bring tall ships into the downtown Wilmington Docks.
Tall Ship replicas are vessels that have been constructed to resemble historic sailing ships from the past. They are built using traditional shipbuilding techniques and materials, and often feature authentic rigging, equipment, and furnishings.
Replica Tall Ships are popular among maritime enthusiasts and are often used for educational and cultural purposes. They provide an opportunity for people to experience what life was like aboard a sailing vessel from a bygone era.
Replica Tall Ships are often built with the goal of preserving maritime history and providing educational opportunities for people to learn about sailing and seamanship. They can be found in museums, used for training purposes, and used for cultural events and festivals.
Tall Ships that WHET has hosted in
Downtown Wilmington, NC
Wilmington Harbor Enhancement Trust will continue to coordinate getting tall ships in the area and are hopeful that we will be able to host a tall ship festival with mulitiple ships docked on the Downtown Wilmington Waterfront in the near future.